Archive for the 'presidential politics' Category


Howard Dean Finally Vindicated…In One Week.

For those of you watching the electoral college map move increasingly in Obama’s favour, there is one man to thank for that – and that man is DNC Chairman, Howard Dean.

Democratic Party Savior, Howard Dean

Democratic Party Savior, Howard Dean

Before Dean was stabbed in the back and smeared by the right wing and hawkish members of his own party, (the group known collectively as the “DLC” or “Democratic Leadership Council”) he used his “50 State Strategy” to reach out to all working class Americans in all states.

He was ridiculed and derided for suggesting that Democrats could win in states like Colorado, Indiana and Virginia – traditional Republican states that the party had abandoned for decades. The DLC hacks like Terry McAuliffe, Rahm Emmanuel and James Carville demanded the party stick to it’s tired and pathetic technique of counting on traditional “blue states” on the West Coast and north east and praying that “swing states” like Florida and Ohio would go their way…a technique that handed George Bush two straight victories.

Well, if Obama pulls out a win on November 4th, he will likely do it by taking a number of key states that the DLC hacks wouldn’t have even attempted to win. He used Dean’s strategy to beat Hillary Clinton (who used a the traditional Democratic strategy, to no avail) and he stuck with it to take on the Republican spin machine.

So for those of you who are excited about the possibility of change that can come with an Obama presidency, you should thank God for Howard Dean and also thank God Barack Obama decided to use Dean’s “50 State Strategy” to make a run for the Oval Office.

Here’s a clip from the Rony Kuby show on this very topic:


McCain Impulsive and Often Wrong…By His Own Admission

In a brief moment of truthfulness, John McCain calls his decision-making style “impulsive” and often “wrong”.  I couldn’t agree more…check out this clip from C&L (from the McNeil-Lehrer News Hour).

Click Here To View The Clip.

Peace out.



First Up: The Palin Wake Up Call…

I was never so scared about the future of America than I was after hearing suburban house wives praise McCain’s choice for VP because “it made them believe that they could be Vice President too”.

You see folks, that’s the problem…starting with W, The Republicans have set the bar so low, that even these ditsy SUV-driving soccer and hockey moms think they’re qualified to be run for the most powerful office on the planet…and the scary thing is – they are very close to achieving it.

WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA! The Stepford Wives are this close to having their finger on the button as the dumb-ass rednecks, hawks and neocons continue to push for war with and Iran and threaten nuclear-armed countries like Russia and Pakistan.

Matt Damon (yes, Hollywood liberal and “elitest” Matt Damon) nails it in this recent interview clip…

Peace out.



Okay – It’s Election Season and We’re Back…

It’s been a long stretch without a posting, but as we enter election season on both sides of the 49th parallel, it’s time for the monkey to polish up the ol’ six-shooter and take aim!

I’ve got my Michigan absentee ballot form in one hand and a tough choice between the Liberal Party and NDP on the other…

So buckle up, folks, ’cause here we go…

Peace out.




Kucinich and Edwards are gone. So now, with Super Tuesday just around the corner, what are Democrats and progressives we left with?

Well, with two candidates that have a lot in common in terms of their political views, quite frankly.

It’s true that Obama was agianst the Iraq war from the outset – and that’s no small thing, but for the most part, there are more similarities than differences between these two remaining Democratic candidates, from a pure policy standpoint.

On the other hand, there IS one notable difference between them and it’s one worth noting…one of them isn’t named “Clinton” or “Bush”.

With Democrats and Republicans ever-increasingly marching to the drums of their corporate masters, we need a candidate that is NOT a Republican (apologies to Ron Paul) and is NOT part of the Bush-Clinton royal family that has ruled (i.e., “screwed up”) America for almost two straight decades now…the one major candidate left whose campaign is NOT supported by big corporate dollars…Barack Hussein Obama!


This is a key point, because when the common people wanted change and looked for hope back in the 1990s, Bill Clinton gave us NAFTA and paved the way for the Walmart-run world that we live in today. And Hillary?

Please. Armed with Rupert Murdoch’s blood money, she goes from having a powerful vision for national health care for all Americans, to taking big bags of campaign money from the insurance company lobby to soften her stance on that very same issue…and we all know about her flip-flopping on the Iraq war based on public opinion.

And who are the Republicans throwing out there as an alternative? John McCain! Granted, this guy gets very mixed reviews from inside the GOP, but talk about flip-floppers!

First, he backs out of the McCain/Feingold bill that was designed to take soft, corporate money out of politics (so that he can take soft, corporate money to finance his own campaign!), THEN he relaxes his stance on the pro-torture policies of the Bush regime in Guantanamo Bay, just so he can appear as “tough on terror” by fellow hawks…I mean give me a break, I guy who was famously tortured as a prisoner of war in Vietnam flip-flopping on the issue of TORTURE?! What the F**K!?

So, with all of this in mind, The Straight Shooter has but one person left in the race that he can endorse and that is Barack Obama…because even though the jury is out on whether he is the candidate of true change – he has now, most certainly become the candidate of hope…so based on hope alone (for now) I give you this video that my brother sent me today…


Please vote.

Peace out.




ABC Forces Kucinich out of Debates – Is The Corporate Media Crushing the Democratic Process?

The press has already artificially narrowed the field of Democratic and progressive American presidential candidates by focusing all their attention on Clinton and Obama, which is pretty typical of American politics these days.. but in a more obvious and dramatic attempt to squash the voices of the common people, the powerful insurance and pharmaceutical lobbies and The ABC network (most likely with pressure from it’s corporate sponsors) have gone so far as to keep one very important candidate out of the debates in Iowa and New Hampshire…a most passionate and articulate champion of the people, and the Straight Shooter’s choice for the Democratic nomination, Mr. Denis Kucinich.

So is this what America has become? The lap dog to corporate greed? Whatever happened the democratic process and the concept of healthy political debate?

Here’s a clip of Bill Moyers talking with Mr. Kucinich about the consequences of letting corporations decide who gets to run for president and who doesn’t…

My fellow Americans – Do you want ABC, NBC, CBS or Fox deciding who gets to run and who doesn’t?

Well then call your local ABC affiliate and give them a piece of your mind – or better yet show them who is REALLY in charge by casting a vote for the anti-corporate candidates – the ones that have your back like John Edwards and Denis Kucinich…with Super Tuesday coming up, there is lots of time to turn this around!

Power to the people!



Okay, back to business…Harper’s last hurah? Obama, Clinton, blah blah blah…

All right, after a nice break from reality…I’m back. Hope all of you had a nice holiday break…

So here are the big ticket items to look out for in ’08…both the US and Canada will go to the polls to cast a ballot for their new national leaders…

1) Up here in the Great White North, our very own ‘Boy From Brazil’ (if you don’t get the reference, see the movie and then continue reading) Prime Minister Stephen Harper has already thrown a carrot to the masses by dropping the GST by a penny…boy, what a great guy – I guess he’s not a Bush-loving, environment destroying jackass after all!

This will undoubtedly get him a certain level of support…but hopefully not enough to get re-elected. Let’s hope that need to reclaim our strong diplomatic reputation on the world stage and the protection of our most precious natural resources (air and fresh water) will win over corporate and monetary greed this time around…

Meanwhile, south of the boarder…

2) (Predictably) Iowans and New Hampshirites (?) selected the two most mediocre candidates the Democrats have to offer…Barack (if I talk like I’m channeling Martin Luther King, I don’t need to talk about real issues) Obama and Hillary (I never saw a corporate sponsor I’d ever say “no” to) Clinton.

Let’s hope for a better showing for Kucinich and Edwards in South Carolina and especially on Super Tuesday – speaking of which…please see the next post about ABC and the corporate media subverting the democratic process in American politics…



Support A Progressive…Send A Message Early, To Iowans

Hey everybody,

If you really want to get America back on track, please fill out this petition that will be sent to Iowa Democrats to encourage them to support a true progressive candidate (i.e., NOT HILLARY CLINTON).

Go here to send your message:

Clinton not only supported the War In Iraq (later changing her mind after it became unpopular with the general public), but she was given a massive war chest of Rupert Murdoch’s (the Fox News founder) blood money.

As if that wasn’t scary enough, she now has the backing of the pharmaceutical giants as well as the health insurance industry…an we all know that those favors will be called in if she is ever elected president.

So PLEASE help the progressive cause (and presumably, yourself and those you care about) by keeping her off the ballot as the Democratic nominee in 2008.

As a visual aid to help you decide who is progressive and who is not, please refer to the image below…




Some Perspective For 2008…

Okay people, for those of you who may be thinking about which candidate is the most “presidential”, going into this pivotal 2008 campaign, let’s take a look at what used to be considered presidential material…let’s go back, waaay back to the years 2000 and 2004, shall we? Please take a look at the two clips below.

So why wasn’t CNN, CBS, NBC and the others not playing this bizarre W cleaning his glasses on an unsuspecting woman’s sweater clip endlessly on loop, for weeks back in 2000 the way they endlessly played that Howard Dean campaign footage in 2004?

Go back and compare those two moments – the Dean footage and this W clip and then tell me that the media doesn’t have it’s own agenda…surely the W footage displays more, um…disturbing behavior from a major political candidate, which presumably would make it not only more sensational than the Dean incident but also, quite a bit more newsworthy.

You could even make the argument that the major media outlets went out of their way to turn the Dean post-Iowa rally into something more disturbing than it actually was…a guy trying to rally his followers after a disappointing loss.

And yet, the W incident barely received any major media attention at the time.

Keep this in mind as we move forward into this 2008 Presidential Campaign – and remember to look carefully at who and what the mainstream media calls “crazy” and maybe, even more importantly…who they don’t.



Dennis Kucinich’s Opening Speech During Global Warming Debate…